
I am a citizen of Nigeria the official owner and founder of 9jaok, i volunteer my self against Xenophobia, Lest we forget we fought this battle together, we fought to our lats breath for freedom,for peace and unity, Africa is NOT a World of Violence,

 we came as black to stay together to succeed together and to create a better future for the upcoming ones like me Please my brothers Xenophobia can not solve our problems rather it will worsen it Think about our fathers pain,suffering and sorrows during the dark age ooh Africa,ooh Africa this is a taboo it is not meant  to be like this is it the case of Boko haram and Isis ?

Are they bigger than God ? no
 why are we blacks tell me is there any war we have never conquered  is it the Ebola

 we chased it away we are Africans lets stand up and join hands together and face this problem
for the future awaits us we are now and the future lets clear the way and make things smooth ohh mother Africa give us this strength of God Who Created Us Into this world as human don,t let us die like animals
this is not us ?

 Africaaaans Stand Up Please,Wake Up

